How do I place an order on Sala Global? Step by Step instructions - SALA

How do I place an order on Sala Global?

Shopping on Sala Global is easy! Before you can start shopping, make sure you have registered an account on Sala Global, once you have found the product you want to buy, just follow the steps below:

  • Open Sala Global Website.
  • Put the item title on “Search Bar” or select the product using category listing
  • Click on the image of your desired item & Click on “Add to cart”.
  • Click on “View Cart”(Add quantity if required) & click on “Checkout Button”.
  • Enter your registered Email Id & Password, if you are new user please go to the registration process.
  • Enter your personal details like (Name/Contact Number/Shipping Address with City).
  • Confirm the order details and select your “Mode of Payment”.
  • Click on “Place Order”.
  • Your Order number will appear on your screen.